Seeing Beauty


I spend most of my days seeing beauty. This is what I am good at.  Beauty seems to follow me from the moment I open my eyes in the morning to the moment I tuck myself in to bed.  I have always been a visual person. I see the way the light shines in through my kitchen window lace curtains casting shadows and illuminating the freshly cut blooms in my grandmother’s antique vase.

The way the smoke from the copal incense spirals upwards like a snake filling the room with a thick layer of fog.

My precious pup Lucy sacked out sandwiched between two meditation pillows amongst my crystals and sheepskins.

My home is my sanctuary that I curate to fee like the coziest blanket filled with books, flowers, primitive fabrics, art, candles and music. This is my handmade womb which nourishes me as well as anyone who visits.  

To me beauty is essential, not a luxury, but a necessity. I create it wherever I can. Mother Nature is my easiest and most trusted collaborator. Working out in nature I have the freedom to create my wildest ideas. My work becomes play, gardens full of expectant seeds are the ultimate experiment of the unseen.  

I never know what will come of it all, sometimes I struggle with seeds that fail to produce, but I can always trust that there is a hidden surprise on the horizon……