About Us

Eileen is the dreamer behind this flower adventure. Her love of flowers was established before she learned to walk. Eileen is fascinated with transformation and hails from a long career of transforming old houses into sacred homes. After getting divorced , which catalyzed her own transformation,Eileen was in search of a new life. She bought a fixer upper in Ojai on a magical plot of land, and slowly began to see what wanted to be birthed. She needed a contractor and Ty showed up at her doorstep. Together they worked to transform the house into a cozy nest for the family. In the midst of renovations about 4 of the Heritage Oaks that graced the front yard fell. Without the majestic cathedral of Oaks the house seemed naked and exposed with a now empty plot of sunny land that asked for a new life. This was when the idea of gardens was born. She discovered “Floret Farm’s” Cut Flower Garden” book, ordered seeds, corms and bulbs from Floret and learned as she went along that first season of 2018. The fires and mud slides hit that winter and everything was threatened. Miraculously they were spared and the flowers grew! Now three years later Eileen has had more practice and has graduated from Floret’s Flower Farming Workshop 2020. Along with her growing passion for all things floral, Eileen also teaches Kundalini Yoga and Facilitates Women’s Writing Circles at the farm. These are complimentary tools that she uses to teach about transformation. She is a mother of three now adult children, Sophie 24, Ruby 22 and Henry 18. They help her on the farm in between their own busy lives in pursuit of their dreams. Eileen lives with her partner Ty and his daughter Simone 8, along with her mother Pat 81.

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Meet Ty!

Ty is the man that physically builds the dreams that Eileen envisions. He is a native of the Ojai Valley, hailing from many generations of Californians. Ty is a lover and a curator of all things old. He loves to repurpose vintage wood from the old buildings and barns that he has lovingly restored. The concept of giving a new life and purpose to typically discarded old redwood from a demolition site, is his passion. With this vintage wood he creates wonderful heirloom quality tables and benches that the whole extended family can sit and share a meal at. Ty is known as the “chicken whisperer” and is the reason our hens are so healthy and happy. He is also a savvy gopher killer, something essential to keeping a healthy garden.

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Meet Pat!

Pat is Eileen’s mother who comes from the East Coast where Eileen was born. It was through Pat’s love of gardening that Eileen’s earliest memories of snapdragons, mint, pansies, daisies, marigolds and iris stem from. After Eileen’s dad, Jay passed away, Pat needed to head west to begin a new adventure. She enjoys sleeping, reading, cooking and is wonderful at reminding Eileen what she needs to do everyday. Some things never change!

Meet Sophie!

Sophie, Eileen’s eldest daughter, lives in between Australia and Carpinteria, California. Sophie has taken many of the beautiful photographs of the flowers and the farm. She is also a writing facilitator and has held many sacred circles here at the farm. Sophie is a gifted art director, storyteller and visionary through the mixed medium of photography, watercolor and words. You can follow her many inspiring offerings on her Instagram account Sophieisadorahaber and www.seedofremembrance.com

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Meet Ruby!

Ruby, Eileen’s middle daughter, has been instrumental in the flower growing process. She has gotten her hands dirty all the way through from seed sowing to preparing beds, to planting the bulbs, to digging up the bulbs, to cutting the flowers and arranging them and finally delivering and installing the arrangements for events. Ruby is a problem solver and a team player that Eileen can count on. Ruby is a methodical learner and implementor, completely opposite of Eileen’s more big picture thinking, she is able to keep Eileen focused in on the task at hand. A true challenge for dear Ruby!

Meet Henry!

Henry, Eileen’s son, is not very active at the farm because he has been busy studying to get into College. He spends most of his time playing football and volleyball and making movies. Henry is also an avid surfer and spear fisherman. When we are graced with his presence he is usually exhausted so we don’t expect much work to be done on the farm. When he was a young boy, Henry was always helping Eileen in the garden and was the most interested one of the bunch to plant vegetables with her. She knows that he has a green thumb so that seed has been planted and stored for perhaps later in his life…
